The purpose of stained glass windows in the church is to be one among many mediums through which the Great Commission of Jesus Christ might be carried and communicated into the four corners of the earth. Jesus said, “go therefore into all the world baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit . . . “ (Matthew 28:19) In that regard, then, stained glass windows are a vehicle of sharing the story of God’s great love for all who will look upon them. While their extrinsic worth may be considered priceless, their real value is in the fact that they tell part of the greatest story ever told, about the greatest life ever lived, and about the greatest gift ever given. Stained glass windows, therefore, find their greatest value in that they help proclaim the Good News of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

All Saints’ church building has undergone two lateral expansions and one expansion in depth since 1906. The windows on the Gospel side of the church are the work of a single artist, Kevin Postich, who was chosen to create windows for the enlarged nave on the West side. These windows enhance those on the Epistle side which were created by Oliver Smith in the early years of the twentieth century. The windows located in the entrance doors were created for the 125th anniversary of the church in 2017 by Jack Lyons, a parishioner at All Saints. Each window features a red Cross and is designed to bring more light into the church and be a reminder that Christ is our leader and we follow him every day and when you leave the Church, you take the Cross of Christ with you. These door windows are the first stained glass windows in 30 years and are meant to be a legacy for future generations.