2025 Stewardship
“Walk in Love”
All Saints Stewardship Campaign, “Walk in Love”, for Calendar Year 2025 is underway and will culminate on “Celebration Sunday”, December 1st . Your generous tithes are how we fund the Church’s expenses and the many programs we support throughout our community.
Please follow the links below to learn more about how you can serve our wonderful Church with your time, talents, and the generous gifts of your treasures.
A Message from Our Senior Warden
Dear Friends,
As we prepare for our annual Stewardship Campaign, I am writing to invite you into prayer about the journey you make with All Saints – our spiritual home. It is a walk of love that we make with each other.
Throughout this year I have been inspired by the ways you accompany each other. I have witnessed the way you care for the sick and shut-ins in our congregation. I have shared a cup of coffee and a treat in fellowship with you during coffee hour. I have watched as you supported one another when you needed a hand, or a shoulder and you have helped me when I needed it.
This is what it means to be in community with each other – this is what walking in love looks like.
We have so many gifts to share, the gifts of time, talent, and treasure that we freely give to support our ministry and to do the work of missions in our communities. We do this not out of a sense that we will get back what we give, but because we are motivated by love. When Paul wrote to his friends in the Church at Ephesus, he reminded them that the very spark of love that founded their community of faith was one of giving.
Certainly, this is what we do when we place our gifts on the altar – we bring our whole selves and share the best part of our love and labor. As you consider what you will share with the Church this year, I invite you to give thanks for the many people who have walked with you in love, supported you in your faith, and shared their gifts with you.
Walking with you in Love,
Dee Ungureit
When you share time, talents, and the generous gifts of your treasures with your neighbor, every step is “Walking in Love.”
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children, and walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Ephesians 5:1-2, NRS
A Message from our Stewardship Committee
Our Friends in Christ,Susan and I are grateful for the opportunity to lead our Stewardship Campaign this year and to spend these weeks with intention as we enter a season of giving. Our theme this year is “Walk in Love”. This phrase calls us to remember that our greatest gift in the community is how we align and come together in purpose and mission. When we walk in the same direction, we can do so many things.
During this Stewardship Campaign you will hear about tithing for the upcoming year. The total of the pledged tithes we receive, culminating on Celebration Sunday, December 1st , is what the Vestry and Church Staff use to prepare our Church budget for the upcoming 2025 calendar year. This is how we fund the Church’s fixed costs along with the many opportunities and programs we support throughout our community. Jesus calls us to heal, visit, feed, accompany, protect, advocate, and love our neighbor by sharing our time, our talents, and the generous gifts of our treasure. Your tithes are how All Saints makes this happen.
All Saints is extending you an invitation to make your promise to God and the Church for the upcoming year. This is a sacred act. Before you fill it out your pledge card, we ask that you pray about it, discuss it with your family, and discern how God is calling you to share the generous gifts of your treasure. Please pay special attention to both sides of the Pledge Card and let us know what time and talent offerings you would like to learn more about and become involved in.
Our Stewardship Campaign will officially end on Sunday, December 1st, so please return your completed Pledge Card to us by then so that we may count your pledge at our Celebration Sunday Service. This is when your gift will be added to the many others to be blessed, broken, and shared with our community and the world. If there is anything All Saints can do to support you or questions the Church can answer, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Walking with you in Love,
Bill and Susan Sperry
When you share time, talents, and the generous gifts of your treasures with your neighbor, every step is “Walking in Love.”
All Saints Church Ministry Opportunities List Stewardship 2024-2025
Listed below are Ministries where we can share our Time and our Talents as we Walk in Love
Focused on lay leadership of the parish: Finances, Planning, Current and Future
Sharing information using: Photography, electronics, volunteers
Growing our Faith through study and experiences: Sunday School, Bible Study, Cursillo
Enhancing our church buildings and the property: Inside and outside
Working to meet some of the needs of the local community and in Honduras:
ECW programs, School Feeding Programs, Support of the Homeless, Help in Honduras
Parish Organizations:
Focusing on Prayer and Fellowship: Daughters of the King and Golfing Fellowship
Pastoral Care:
Members serving the needs of others: Providing casseroles, Lay Eucharistic Visitors and the Pastoral Care Team
Actions to ensure the All are Welcome here: Greeters, Coffee Hour, Nametags, Newcomers Profiles, Connect Ministries etc.
All the members who assist with the Services: Choir, Altar Guild, Lay readers, Acolytes, Ushers and Compline